Sometimes what I desire is exactly what I have - and I am so thankful for those times. Even now, I have a granny smith apple and I'm excited about it - 'cause it's what I want, really.
There are so many other times that I long for things I don't have - and if they happen to be material, I beat myself up for not being "spiritual" enough and convince myself I have to read my Bible more and pray more and then these carnal feelings will go away...
I will tell Him that I know He will satisfy my longings and acknowledge that only He can. But then, I wonder - if He loves me so much, why doesn't He? There are still things I want in my heart that won't go away - even with all my attempts at renouncing them and "laying them at the foot of the cross" - (what does that mean, anyway?)
But who would I be without longing? Who would any of us be?
We'd stall.
We have an eternity to see our desires fulfilled - but what would happen if before we got there we stopped longing?
I think I still have to check my desires - see what's behind them.
But I'll not beat myself up for longing.
I will not silence it - would that not be to murder my heart?
And isn't that what He wants from me - my heart?